I don't usually tweak my photos but I've successfully applied some colour correction to a photograph I took nearly four weeks ago. This is Shadow coming out of Calcutt Top Lock at dusk on new year's day. To get enough exposure the shutter was open for a few seconds. I'm resting the camera on the balance beam to steady it.
Here is the same shot with colour correction:
And this is why a tripod is recommended for long exposure times: the camera shake is especially noticeable on the lights in the background.
I like the illusion these pics give of a fast-moving narrowboat!
My 12 monthly reflections of 2024 - August, walking it seems
Boat time on Percy as the 1st August saw me back over on a day run to fit
the batteries.
The old ones were about 5 years in to their service so not too b...
1 hour ago
1 comment:
The wonders of digital photogrpaphy hey? Nice demos, Halfie.
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