... on our November cruise last year we passed one of the very few boats on the move: Tranquility, on the Stratford Canal. It wasn't being crewed by Tranquility's bloggers Kevin and Linda, though, as this is a shared boat and it was someone else's go.
(edit to correct sp in title)
Great shot, Halfie. I love the rural feel of the canal banks.
Hi Halfie,
I'm not sure if you recieved my previous comment, but since I sent it I've noticed in the photo that not only is Tranquility very close to the trees and in reverse, but also the stern rope is over the side and in the water...oh dear, how sad, never mind! I hope they enjoyed their holiday.
Kevin, no, I have received only the one comment from you. Yes, I'm sorry to say that as they passed me they gave me much too wide a berth and ran aground. I hadn't noticed the rope in the water though. As you say, oh dear!
Hi Halfie,
My first "missed" comment was to thank you for featuring Tranquility on your blog.
Thanks again,
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