Home to boat;
Stockton Top Marina to Newbold-on-Avon
Day 0? Yes, because the trip starts when the boat does, and that wasn't until the next day. There was much discussion at home as to when/if people wanted to go. In the end it was agreed that I'd go on my own for the first day, meeting the others on Monday afternoon. So I got to use my new toy in anger for the first time: a Garmin Nuvi 250 Satnav.

I'm still learning how to use it, but it seemed to know the way, so that was good. The screen displays an arrival time, but it must be based on average speeds far higher than I achieve. Perhaps it assumes driving at the speed limit the whole time. As I rarely exceed 55mph, in the interests of relaxed driving and fuel economy, the eta gets later and later. It started by suggesting I'd get to the marina at 2130: in the end, after a slightly delayed getaway, I arrived at 2230.
After loading Shadow, which was very cold, I lit the fire and retired to bed. It was now gone midnight. The fire blazed away overnight, keeping the other end of the boat nice and warm. Not, however, the rear cabin where I was trying to sleep (under a double layer of duvets). The alarm went off at 0700, and I was ready to go half-an-hour or so later. I delayed starting up until 0800 as Shadow was right next to an occupied NB Balhalla(?) in the marina.
At Calcutt I found the first two locks conveniently in my favour; the top lock, however, had just been taken by another boat also going up. It must have just come out of the marina and hadn't noticed me. But another single hander was coming down, so we assisted each other and went on our way. Reached Napton Junction at 1010.
I'd left my camera at home, so I missed some photo opportunities. One of these was a snap of NB Hadar which I met at bout 1045 at Lower Shuckburgh between Napton Junction and Braunston Turn. I exchanged greetings with Keith and Jo, and later wished I'd stopped them for a bag of coal. Just after Napton Junction, before Hadar came along, I stopped to make a coffee as I was FREEZING! The boat was reasonably warm inside, but there was no-one inside to appreciate it. The coffee helped, but at 1245 I stopped again - just after turning left at Braunston Turn on the north Oxford Canal - to microwave and eat some lunch: a very welcome spaghetti carbonara ready meal (thank you, Mr. Cohen).

Braunston Turn (photo taken on 1st January 2009)
At 1450, outside the Old Royal Oak, just before Hillmorton Locks, I picked up friends Amanda and Alex, with their friends Neil and Alison. Amanda and Alex moved from Norfolk to Newbold a couple of years ago, and we'd always promised to call in on them when we passed on the canal. It was handy having crew to work the locks. but I didn't benefit from the exercise, and hence the warmth, that working the locks myself would have given. After the locks I suggested that my crew might like to keep warm inside by the stove, but they all said they didn't want to miss anything. So we chugged along, quietly, nose up in the air.

Bridge 80, Grand Union Canal, in less than perfect nick (photo taken 1st January 2009)

Mural under Bridge 72, Grand Union Canal. A valiant attempt (I certainly couldn't do better), but the train appears to be crossing a hump bridge! (Photo taken 1st January 2009)
On the way through Rugby we passed NB Gypsy Rover. Derek and Dot had evidently spotted me as they have commented on an earlier post, but I didn't see them, and I'm sorry that we weren't able to stop, as we were up against it, daylight-wise. We'll meet up properly sometime, I expect!
At 1715, any vestige of natural light having just about gone, we tied up by the Barley Mow pub at Newbold Wharf. Waiting for us in the pub were wife Jan, daughter Alison and her fiance´ Ben. That evening we all enjoyed an Indian meal at Alex and Amanda's house - it was excellent.
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