On Christmas Eve last year, while we were away visiting family, I got an e-mail from our neighbours to say that our fence had blown down. Not all of it: just three panels which were in a fairly ropey state anyway.
When we got home I investigated the options. It's not a difficult DIY job, but when I added the cost of the panels, posts, concrete mix and delivery it came to about £135; fencing companies all quoted the same figure of £200 for them to do it. At the time the weather wasn't particularly pleasant, so I decided to pay the £200 and get it done professionally.
Of course, when they eventually turned up - everyone's fence blows down at the same time so all fencers were busy - the weather was perfect!
I get a quote for replacing the entire run of eleven panels, using concrete posts and concrete gravel boards, but that would have been £1,100.
This should last long enough.
Oh, I gave the lawn its first cut of 2014 yesterday. And I sat in the garden to eat my lunch today. Lovely!
Well it was fine when we left home at 10 am but that was to soon change and
at times the road spray made driving pretty grim, however by the time we
7 hours ago
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