More sorting
More sorting out was done today. We’d brought with us all our jars of herb
and spices from home, so I combined them with the boat ones nd went through
20 hours ago
....mostly about boating on NB Jubilee
Good luck! It seems to me that you Brit canal cruisers have more opportunities for 'faring' ,as I call it, than we cloggies (okay, I'm a former Brit). There's no way I'd risk the currents and winds on the rivers and canals in this weather. There's too much commercial really big traffic to bump up against ;-)
I bet your Dutch canals don't remain ice-bound for long, though.
We just saw Shadow at Braunston after leaving the pub this afternoon. In our sozzeled state we didn't realize at the time. Hello by the way.
Hi Pete. It's all right - we weren't on board! I am to Shadow as Adam is to Debdale, if you see what I mean.
Hi Halfie, hope this ice goes away and you manage to get away on Shadow for a few days....we'll keep our eye open for you :-)
i hear the southern Oxford is lovely at this time of year......
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