Aldersley Junction to Birmingham

Fergus assisting with the locks

trains overhead

one of the new strapping posts
In order to beat any possible log jam ascending the Wolverhampton 21 we set off at 0545. A couple of boats had already gone up, but they had efficient crews so didn't slow us down.

arriving at Wolverhampton Top Lock
I think I was making up for taking only two pictures the previous day, especially when we kept coming across President and Kildare. The first meeting was at the top of the 21 locks, where they had moored the previous night. We showered and watered at Broad Street Services, and President chuffed by. We soon caught up, and were waved past.

We wondered about legging through Dudley Tunnel, so I phoned the Dudley Canal Trust to see if a passage was possible ... but, sadly, not today. We went to the north portal anyway, and tied up opposite the Black Country Living Museum. David and Fergus booked onto the trip boat for an excursion into the tunnel.

While they were gone I walked over the top to try to find the open air basin where the line of the tunnel alters. With directions from a local man out for a walk with his granddaughter I found it, but it was completely fenced off and impossible to see.

I walked a bit further and came across a ventilation shaft - more like an opening in the rock encased in a steel grille - and heard the trip boat approaching. I called through the grille "Hello David", and was told afterwards that I had been heard. David and Fergus had positioned themselves such that, as soon as the invitation came for volunteers to leg the boat, they made sure of bagging that one.
As we were leaving, President and Kildare arrived, on their way to their home mooring in the museum.

We then cruised along the Wolverhampton Level (old main line). Approaching Smethwick Locks the engine seemed to have lost power: it was, of course, owing to the collection of carrier bags round the prop. These were removed, and we tied up for the night breasted up to Ayer Rajah. The owners are fellow BCF members whom we met at St. Ives last year.

An excellent day's cruise: the early start giving us plenty of time to fit everything in without rushing.
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