Wightwick to Aldersley Junction for the IWA National Festival

festival moorings on the Shroppie
We had promised to play at the Boaters' Christian Fellowship service at the Festival, which started at 1030, but we needed to be there early in order to rehearse. Also we didn't know the layout of the site, and we needed to pick up wristbands - so we left Wightwick at 0700. We moored at Aldersley Junction at 0830 and had breakfast. We'd tied up next to a boat which the owner had built himself. He proudly told us about his four engines: it seemed that every appliance had its own generator! He regretted that he'd made the roof flat, he was always having to repair leaks. My regret is that I didn't take a picture. He gave Jan and her guitar a lift half a mile to Autherley Junction while I cycled slowly along the towpath. David, Penny and Fergus walked. We met up with David Litchfield from the BCF, a regular helper with the National Festivals, who got us in to the muddy site, and we found where the service was to take place. It was very well attended. The local vicar preached; I played my recorder and Jan played her guitar. There was a keyboard and bass as well.

Dave Moore's signwriting workshop
Jan had a look round some of the new boats while I went off in search of a bilge pump. I found a stand with some, but they weren't the same as the old one, and seemed quite expensive.

David Litchfield making final preparations for the procession
We crossed the canal and had a cup of tea on Kew. I stayed to help David with rigging the lights for the illuminated procession while Jan returned to Shadow to cook a beef casserole for tea.

Kew illuminated (the theme was "football")
At 1900 we returned to Kew for the illuminated procession of boats. We were facing the wrong way, so we had to travel northwards for a couple of miles to a winding hole which would accommodate a 70 foot boat. Having winded we joined the procession ... and came to a stop. We were waiting for the boats in front to move on, and progress from then on was very slow. There was little information filtering through as to the reason for the delay. During the procession Jan was at the front with several other singers, singing hymns and choruses as befit the Boaters' Christian Fellowship. I was assisting with the steering. Eventually we reached the stop lock, and found both sets of gates being held open! With the engine working hard we crept through against the flow, and turned right onto the Staffs and Worcs. There were crowds of onlookers on the bridges, but not as many as last year at St. Ives. The procession winded at Aldersley Junction, where Jan got off (at 2315) to return to Shadow. I stayed with Kew - back down the stop lock - flushed through the oen gates - and back to Kew's mooring. I then walked back to Shadow, arriving at 0015. A long day!
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