OK, here's my ducks/geese/swans-in-a-row entry. Swans in this case, swimming up the Severn just north of Worcester on 22nd August 2008. I count twenty of them. See photos from Granny Buttons and Lucky Duck.
Just as soon as I finish writing up our July trip on north western waterways I'll write about the week we've just done on Shadow where we went up the Severn from Worcester to Stourport, up the Staffs and Worcs to Wolverhampton for the IWA Festival, up to Birmingham, and down the Worcester and Birmingham back to Worcester.
Hi J&J, you might be interested to see these photos too:
That's a pretty tame heron! I followed the link on your comment from Derek and Dot, then, on their comment, from John and Fiona ... to see their herons too. They certainly seem to have changed their behaviour: until a couple of years ago they always used to fly away from an approaching boat, now they just stand there, watching.
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