After breakfast I did a spot of fishing: three mooring pins (one bent) and a pair of tweezers. We were in no hurry as we'd arranged to meet our daughter at Scarisbrick Bridge at 1100, so we left at about 0945. Shortly after setting off we passed this boat, for pain free cruising no doubt.

We tied up exactly where the entrance channel to the new marina will soon be cut. The owner, Alan Mawdsley, was by the fence looking at the works. Daughter picked us up, and took us to her boyfriend's house to meet his parents. They had driven over from Huddersfield. After coffee we went to the beach at Ainsdale, just south of Southport, for a "surprise" barbecue.

It was certainly a surprise for us, but not for the weather, which was blustery. And rainy. And not too warm. We'd set up in the dunes in a relatively sheltered spot, before being moved on by a jobsworth onto the (exposed) beach. Although the main cooking was done with charcoal, there was a camping stove for the potatoes. The gas ran out and I offered to try to find a replacement cylinder in the village. By the time I got back - with a new cylinder - the barbecue was almost over. Hmm. Should perhaps have given up after the third shop (success came at the seventh, after walking about two miles).
The six of us returned to the boat for cups of tea and profiteroles. The visitors left at 1650: we then cruised to Burscough, and moored just before the junction with the Rufford Branch. Crabtree Swing Bridge 32 was easier this time, now I knew how to do it. You have to wind the horrible hydraulic gear many, many more times than you think you should, and it's hard work.

I've not seen a duck like this before

getting in a flap
The Ship Inn, just down the Rufford Branch, provided a good pint of Cain's 2008 ale.
Hi halfie,
Heather here from Takey Tezey, Just read your blog, where are you now? Or more precisely... where will you be in a weeks time?
We go back to the house today (trying to sort out rental options tomorrow with letting agent) anyway it's my birthday next week (25th), so we're coming back here to the boat this Thurs till Monday 1st. Dave's got the week off work & we're hoping to go up the Rufford Branch, out onto Leeds Liv for a couple of days...
Hope you could follow all that!
Hi Heth
At the moment we're back on land, but this Friday we'll be on our shared ownership boat, Shadow, heading to the IWA National Festival.
If you read the next post above, you'll see that you get a mention at last!
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