One of the compensations for having to work weekends now and again is having days off in the week when most other people are at work. Here in Norfolk the sun is shining, and I've been back to having breakfast outside. The wisteria is out and releasing its wonderfully fragrant pong (better that than oilseed rape any day).
When I stepped back to photograph the wisteria I almost trod on this peacock butterfly.

In a moment I'll brew up a cafétière of coffee and drink that outside too, and look forward to boating again, when one is outside for most of the time. So much so that whenever I return to work from a boating trip, even if it's a winter one, people comment on my slightly ruddier complexion and ask where I've been. "Birmingham", when truthful, is always a good reply!
Returning to wisteria, one of the most spectacular displays I've seen is in the grounds of St. Giles church in Norwich. I took this on 8th May last year.

I wish mine looked like that, I think I have a late flowering variaty so they get covered by the leaves.
Huddersfield and Macclesfield are also choice holiday destinations :-)
Sue, Indigo Dream
Sue, I agree!
My grandparents had a wisteria. I remember it being such a beautiful flower when I was growing up. Nothing like St. Giles church but your pictures sure bring back great memories. The wisteria and my grandparents are both gone now, but both are well remembered.
We both acquired tans on our journey from Birmingham to Cambridge, and I love answering the question of 'been anywhere nice/ going on holiday this year?' with variuosly 'Bedford', 'Birmingham' or 'Leicester'!
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