0710 Got up. Moved boat across canal to the water point and filled up. At 0820 we started up through lock 24W, and by 1000 we'd got to the Diggle portal of Standedge Tunnel where we moored ready for the next day's passage. That meant we had another whole day in which to explore our surroundings.
After lunch we walked across the moor above the tunnel, along the "Standedge Trail", to Marsden. On the way we came across an interesting stone marker post - anyone know what it refers to?
Caught the train from Marsden through the tunnel to Greenfield, from where David walked back to the boat. Jan and I stayed and had a Chinese meal and waited for a non-existent 2210 bus. Eventually got a taxi back to the boat.
2 miles 4 furlongs
9 locks
1.6 hours
204 m 7 f; 122 l; 103.6 h
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