On Jubilee there is a Sterling "advanced digital four step split charge alternator to battery charger". Even though I've read the instruction leaflet I'm still not sure exactly what it does. Jubilee has two alternators, each of which connects to the Sterling device. There are outputs to both the starter battery and the domestic battery bank. Visible through a window are several LED indicator lights, but there is a large amount of parallax error when trying to line up the LEDs with the legends on the case, as I've illustrated with the photos.
In both photos the same LEDs were on. To make it more complicated, some of the LEDs appear to be multicoloured. What do the colours mean?
My 12 monthly reflections of 2024 - August, walking it seems
Boat time on Percy as the 1st August saw me back over on a day run to fit
the batteries.
The old ones were about 5 years in to their service so not too b...
7 hours ago
Halfie, I have no idea....
But so long as none of the magic blue smoke has leaked out, then it will still work!
John (wb Pippin)
See www.sterling-power.com website
Instruction book is here
John, no blue smoke, so that's good.
Peter, thank you, I'll have a look.
Having read your blogs for a considerable period, very often without comprehension of the problems you have encountered or the solutions you and your fellow boaters have found, it seems to me that the owner of a narrow-boat must be an engineer, electrician, plumber, mechanic, carpenter and master/mistress of much else besides. Would you not agree?
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