Work has been busy ... no, I have been busy at work recently. Oh to be on a boat and not have to go to work the next day! Or the day after that, and the day after that... !
I got a letter from the pension scheme a couple of days ago, telling me that if I wanted to retire early and claim my pension then I had until March next year to do so, otherwise I'd have to wait until I was 55. Hmm. It made me think. But there'd be a big reduction for early payment, plus the fact that I won't have paid into the scheme for long enough ... oh, plus the fact that I wouldn't get the state pension until 65 (or is it even later than that?) So I'll have to carry on working for the time being. And dreaming of extended cruises...
Meanwhile, here's a photo I grabbed while steering north through Harecastle Tunnel in April. I had one chance to snap the skeleton, which is painted in an alcove a hundred yards or so from the north portal. I didn't have a torch (or a third hand), so I had to aim and shoot more or less by guesswork while steering the boat. I was zoomed in too much - you can't see the alcove. But it could have been worse: I could have cut his/her head off...

... but it's improved by cropping.
1 comment:
Ooh yes, I'd like to retire too..very much indeed! Extended cruises...what a dream! But being self employed, the chances are zero and I'll have to wait till 65 too, most likely. Unless I win the lottery, of course, which is even more remote a chance since I don't do it ;-)
Considering what you were doing at the time, I'm amazed you caught the skeleton at all!
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