I'm just off to the midnight service, but before I go I wish you all a
Well it was fine when we left home at 10 am but that was to soon change and
at times the road spray made driving pretty grim, however by the time we
8 hours ago
Agh no! Now I've got another blog I simply have to read! I've just seen your comment on Herbie, and thought I'd take a look. And it's charming too! Oh dear, I shall spend all my life reading narrowboat blogs soon, but I do love them and your photos and descriptions are lovely. Well, I'll be back for sure. Happy new year Halfie.
Thank you for your kind comments VallyP. I actually think my writing is a bit rubbish, especially compared with other blogs. And my photos are never much more than ordinary! I shall have to look up your blog now...
Happy new year to you.
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