I rarely write to papers or magazines, but I felt I had to after reading the latest issue (Nov 2008) of Canal Boat magazine. As I read it I made a list of all the typos and other errors: more than 50 in all. Some were serious ("it's" when it should have been "its"; a quotation in bold with "english" for "English"; "there" for "their"); some just annoying (such as "Chick" for "Chirk"; "Lowsondord" for "Lowsonford").

A couple of days ago I e-mailed the editor, Nick Wall, complaining about the poor standard (and enclosing a copy of my list). I haven't yet received a reply. Perhaps he's getting someone to check his spelling! Or perhaps he thinks I'm a sad nutter who has nothing better to do than pick holes in an otherwise enjoyable mag. Perhaps sending him the list was the wrong thing to do.

Hi Halfie
I always try to respond to emails, but I'm afraid we can't find yours; could you resend it to me again at editor@canalboat.co.uk
Many thanks
Nick - I've resent the original e-mail. Sorry for the delay: we've been away for a few days sans internet.
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